I am a Big Brother fan. Yes I admit, I'm completely addicted in a deviant, voyeuristic way to watching on a daily basis the smoking, burping, farting and fighting that goes on in the Big Brother UK house. To prove my dedication to the cause, I download the episodes on a daily basis as I am not blessed with the good fortune of it showing on TV here in Holland. Today one of my favorite housemates was evicted. Really she was evicted on Friday night, but because I didn't watch it until today... I never knew. In fact - I shed a tear, before reminding myself that it was not real life! Goodbye Nikki - I'll miss seeing you each day, your bitching, your temper tantrums, your over articulation and hand waving have entertained me beyond my imagination. Hopefully in honor of you, your housemates will continue to release me from my mundane existence and provide me with 7 hours per week of essential and life changing viewing.
Photo taken from Big Brother - Channel 4 (UK).
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