There's so many people I have come across in my life who mean the world to me. People who I would do anything for, because I know they would do the same for me. People who I do not speak with, email or text every day, but people who know. People who are certain. People who are secure in the relationship I have with them and me secure in what I know belongs to us.It's difficult though. Being so far away from some of these people. Especially when you know they are hurting. When you know that a simple hug can feel so safe and protecting. When laughter over a beer can wash the worries of the world away.
When a shoulder to absorb their tears offers support for a heavy head. But it's not always possible to be by their side. It's not always possible to offer that security in a physical form. Am I failing these people who I love? Am I letting them down by not being there? Am I doing the best for them that I can? Do they know I love them? Do they know I need them? Do they know they are the laughter inside me? Do they know they are the colours that I see? Do they know they are the difference that excites me? Do they know they are my motivation to explore? Do they know they are my world? I just want to do what is right for those I love. You know that - don't you?
(There are so many more who have not made it to this picture, but who equally deserve a place in it.)
Whoops, forgot the grumblebum's mugshot!
Thank you. That is a very touching thing you did for us and i'm sure all the others in the picture would feel very proud to say you are our friend
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