A week ago the decision was made to go shopping at IKEA. We needed a dining table and a coffee table for the living room at the new house and my aunty needed a new desk (het bureau) for her fancy new flat screen monitor. It was about 10.30am when we arrived. Greg and I had breakfast while my aunty enjoyed a nice cup of coffee. I think she enjoyed it most because it took about 15 minutes to get to the front of the queue. Despite the slow start, we had a great time buying everything, but what we had gone there for. Unfortunately the coffee table and dining table we wanted were out of stock. We did manage to get the desk and a table for the tv to sit on. We had coffee, we talked, we walked, we laughed and we cried - it was a proper family day out...
Until it all went bad and shopping rage took over!!!
Fortunately nobody was seriously injured and the new table survived. It wasn't long before relationships were repaired, wounds were healed and everybody enjoyed the afternoon arranging their new purchases.
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