Well today I turned 31. I liked turning 30. I didn't feel like I had to prove myself anymore. I must say though, I don't feel the same about turning 31. It feels like I'm now on the down hill slide. It worries me sometimes that I am getting older, yet I'm still traveling the world, messing about and generally not taking life so serious. Do you think it's possible to sustain such a lifestyle? To be perfectly honest - I don't know if I'll ever be ready to settle down in one place. There's just so much to see and do and I want to do it all while I still can!
From this...
To this...
Anyway Greg did a great job organising the birthday festivities. 3 hours cruising the Muse and eating pancakes on the Pannenkoekenboot and a funny little website for people to leave me messages and some funny pictures - check it out: Leo's Birthday Page. For the rest of the birthday photos - click here!
Thanks Greg - You Rock!!
from a nice little toddler, to a spoiled big pisspot
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