Sunday, October 29, 2006

Happy Halloween!

This year despite hating to dress up with a passion, I made some effort to make a costume for the Halloween party we attended last night. Well, I had to make some effort as it was being hosted by Americans and they love Halloween. Anyway I decided to go as one of the 'the others' from Lost, but by the end of the night when everyone was a bit more pissed that got a little too difficult to explain, so on advice from Greg I just said I was a castaway.

Anyway it really was a crap costume, but at least it was better than just going as me - which maybe I should have done, as I am pretty scary. Greg on the other hand looked quite cute in his 'Leeuwhosen' especially later in the night when he decided to wear a cowboy hat!

Well the party was a big hit and continued on until the wee small hours of the morning. It was also the end of day light savings, so we got an extra hour of partying. Finally we got home this morning at about 5.30am. Needless to say we woke late feeling a little sorry for ourselves... As my mother would say though - "I've got no sympathy for you..." It was fun though - for more pics, you can check out the gallery on our website - click here.

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