Thursday, November 16, 2006

Gym update...

Tonight I had my latest evaluation at the gym. It had been 8 weeks since my last. I must admit I was rather concerned that potentially the weight loss situation might not have gone to plan. I had been having a little too much fun the last few weekends and of course where there is fun there is beer. Knowing full well that one full pint of beer is about 15 minutes on the cross trainer, this meant that I would pretty much have to give up my job and starting going to the gym full time. Alas the outcome wasn't so bad. In the past 8 weeks I have lost 5 kilograms in weight and 5.1% of my body fat. Well the new program has been designed and I am eager to keep up the trend. That's a total of 8 kilograms now and about 7% of my body fat.
It appears the salads every night after the gym rather than some carb heavy pasta, more fruit, more (healthy) snacks during the day, a bigger breakfast and smaller meals is paying off.

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