Saturday, July 15, 2006

Is this not the ugliest animal in the world?

This really is - only the face a mother could love. I feel like I have just had my vision scared for life... Anyway if you want to read more about the Naked Mole-Rat check out Eusociality and Reproduction in the Naked Mole-Rat. I credit Davidson College and their website along with their picture for my temporary blindness and forever being too scared to do another search on Google for the "World's Ugliest Animal".

Warning: Take care when doing Google searches for obscure things - boredom is no longer safe!

1 comment:

pukkalad said...

Sometimes you need to look in to the depths of ugliness to find the beauty in yourself...
jo.ana, when all else is lost then Google searches will become your new best friend!! :o)